Meiske Hohnen Design bill each stage separately and allow our clients to engage services individually as required, so they are able to pick and choose which of our comprehensive services suit them.

We’ve broken the architect’s role down into four key stages. Consultant input and site survey information is not included at any stage. 

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Stage 1:

Sketch Design & Feasibility

This involves determining site constraints due to services & zoning requirements, followed by the production of a briefing and feasibility document for client review. This will outline client requirements, opportunities & site constraints.
The production of sketch design drawings, sketch modelling and options testing can assist in determining your preferred design concept.

Fee: $1000 to $4000 depending on scale

If you already have a well developed design concept which complies with the R-codes, it may be possible to move straight to stage 2.

Stage 2:

Planning Approval & Detailed Design

This involves coordination with your consultants & further development of your sketch design concept. The production of drawings for submission with your planning application can be undertaken if required, as can the lodgement & liaison process with your local council for planning approval.

Fee: $1500 to $8000 depending on scale & requirement for planning approval

Stage 3:

Building Permit & Construction Documentation

At this stage, Meiske Hohnen Design can assist with the ongoing coordination of your consultants, the production of detailed documentation & specification for submission with your building permit application & those for your builder. We are also able to oversee the lodgement and liaison with your local council in order to obtain your building permit.

Fee: $2500 to $8000 depending on scale

Meiske Hohnen Design is able to oversee the administration of contract with your builder on your behalf &/OR offer ongoing advice regarding the construction process and contracts.

Fee: 30% of overall fee will be added for contract administration, or hourly rate for ongoing advice

Stage 4:

Contract administration or advisory